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    Fort Dix, NJ - Schools

    All students who live on post at Fort Dix and McGuire AFB have their choice of public schools in North Hanover Township, Northern Burlington County Regional, and Pemberton Township school districts. Students living on Lakehurst will attend Lakehurst or Manchester Township school districts. Buses are provided to all students.

    In order to enroll in school, students must be living in the district at the time of registration. The following items are needed to register: proof of address, immunization records, birth certificate, and proof of physical exam within the last year. For more information call the School Liaison Office (at McGuire AFB) at 609-754-2820, DSN 312-650-2820.

    School Name School District Phone Number
    Samuel T. Busansky Pemberton Township Schools +609 (893) 814-1400
    Aletta Crichton Pemberton Township Schools +609 (893) 814-1500
    Alexander Denbo Pemberton Township Schools +609 (893) 814-1550
    Howard Emmons Pemberton Township Schools +609 (893) 814-1450
    Fort Dix Elementary Pemberton Township Schools +609 (893) 814-1600
    Harker-Wylie Haines Pemberton Township Schools +609 (893) 814-1780
    Joseph S. Stackhouse Pemberton Township Schools +609 (893) 814-1700
    Discovery School North Hanover Township Public Schools (609) 738-2652
    Atlantis North Hanover Township Public Schools (609) 738-2653
    Upper Elementary North Hanover Township Public Schools (609) 738-2622
    C. B. Lamb North Hanover Township Public Schools (609) 738-2630
    John Brainerd Mt. Holly Township Public Schools (609) 267-3600
    Gertrude C. Folwell Mt. Holly Township Public Schools (609) 267-0071
    Peter Muschal Elementary Bordentown Regional School District (609) 298-2600
    Clara Barton Elementary Bordentown Regional School District (609) 324-2898
    MacFarland Intermediate Bordentown Regional School District (609) 291-7192
    Whiting Elementary Manchester Township School District (732) 350-4994
    Ridgeway Elementary Manchester Township School District (732) 323-0800
    Manchester Township Elementary Manchester Township School District (732) 323-9600
    Pemberton Township Pemberton Township Schools +609 (893) 814-1200
    Bordentown Regional High Bordentown Regional School District (609) 298-0025
    Manchester Township High Manchester Township School District (732) 657-2121
    Helen Fort/Newcomb Pemberton Township Schools +609 (893) 814-1300
    F. W. Holbein Mt. Holly Township Public Schools (609) 267-7200
    Bordentown Regional Middle Bordentown Regional School District (609) 298-0674
    Manchester Township Middle Manchester Township School District (732) 657-1717
    Northern Burlington County Schools Northern Burlington County Reg. District (609) 298-3900
    Regional Day School (Special Needs) Manchester Township School District (732) 928-1500